Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The day featured a good drive through the Badlands, and getting to Mt Rushmore just as the mist was starting to come in. After Mt. Rushmore we took a very windy (as in many curves) road on down to Custer, where we stopped for 8oz. buffalo burgers. As we drove on there were 2 wild turkey sightings with a total of 6 turkeys, and 5 deer sightings with a total of about 16 deer. Also saw one prairie dog up on his haunches.

Here in Edgemont the cold water runs hot - which is interesting. Staying at the Rainbow Motel - the old fashioned one story style where you drive right in front of your own entrance. Tomorrow we head for the Grand Tetons. Ruth and Dad

1 comment:

Beth Wiegand said...

Your blog has been very fun to read. Niel and I check it every day. Sounds like the trip is going well. I always enjoy seeing the Corn Palace in Mitchell-one of those quirky but kind of neat places. Wasn't Edgemont where Ann was originally going to do her internship? I am looking forward to hearing about the Tetons.
